High speed packing line for WDK Onions
Family business WDK Onions is sorting and packing onions since 1933. The cooperation with Eqraft goes back for decades. This summer, Mike de Koster, grandson of the founder, invested in a new packing line.
WDK Onions focuses on high end onions and ships around 15000 tons per year. With the new Baxmatic and Sewing Lane, they have increased their packing capacity to 1000 bags per hour.

Mike signed the order early August and by the end of the month the new packing line was fully operational. “Part of our strategy is that we can quickly deliver onion toppers, weighers and packing machinery”, says Rutger Keurhorst, Director Commerce at Eqraft.
“With one button, the Baxmatic can be loaded with the right settings and production recipes,” says Mike. “I had to get used to the speed, we could barely keep up, he laughs.”